Team Colors: Scarlet (Hex #c8102e), Gold (Hex# b9975b), Black (Hex #000000) Team Logo: Black pawn inside shield with gold and white striping, outlined in black and scarlet Font: MorganTw3
Warm Bodies in Action
2014 TE Heath Miller (Credit: /u/spuddy0108).
Nye spent 2006 in the same humvee as Duffy and Musselman and spent many long nights playing NCAA Football 07 with Duffy and "Boston" Smith. His team name is inspired by our role during the 2005-2006 SECFOR mission. We were Field Artillery, but there wasn't any need for rockets in Baghdad. So we were drafted as "warm bodies" to fill whatever slots were needed in the sandbox. We were pawns, and pawns are always moving forward. Sounds like a good team name to me.
He lives in his native Ohio with his wife and children.